
反正無聊 就打上來 不過那麼多篇 不知道打不打的完...


▪ ▫ 7.16 in class,, ♬

該怎麼說呢? 以我的英文程度只能寫流水帳吧!!!

平常寫日記都很口語化 要搞成英文還滿難的...

而且又是上課的東西= = >>>

It more intereseing than last week today,because I think I can understand more and

have more brave to speak English to the cassmate .

I am so glad I can do that .

In the class,teacher taught us about " for " and " since " .

We also payed a lot of game about that .

▪ ▫ 7.17 in class,, ♬

7.17 >> BY My English Diary


Teacher asked me a question in the class.

But I don't know how to answer and also the answer.

About a little time, I shark my head and teacher thought " it "

is my answer.

But if that is my answer , that will be funny.

It's so embarrassed !

After that , when I don't know the answer .

I think I will say it to the teacher.


好吧 又是篇流水帳XDD



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